Thematic School: From the first to the second quantum revolution : Theory and applications; SCOPE.
The scope of the thematic school is to render account of the latest technological developments (quantum communication, quantum cryptography, quantum computing and simulators) and at the same time to put into evidence the fundamental concepts on which these developments rely (e.g. complementarity, contextuality, (de)coherence, entanglement).
Where: Peyresq Alpes de Haute-Provence, France; when: sunday 19-09-2021 to friday 24-09-2021
This thematic school is organized by Thomas Durt (Institut Fresnel, Ecole Centrale de Marseille) and supported by the CNRS, the Institut Fresnel (research group Clarté), Aix-Marseille Université, Ecole Centrale de Marseille, the Groupe De Recherche IQFA and the doctoral school 352.
Jean Bricmont, U. Louvain: non-localitey and contextuality
Anais Dréau, CNRS, U.Montpellier: 40 years of violation of Bell's inequalities; NV centers in diamond and applications in magnetometry
Djeylan Aktas, Bristol Univ.: ``loophole-free'' violation of Bell's inequalities and applications
Thomas Durt, Institut Fresnel, Ecole Centrale Marseille: decoherence and entanglement, applications of the Heisenberg-Weyl group in quantum information
Sébastien Tanzilli, CNRS, U. Nice:Wheeler paradox and complementarity
Perola Milman, CNRS, U. Paris-Diderot: contexxtuality with continuous variables, photon wave function and HOM experiment.
Caroline Champenois, CNRS, U. Aix- Marseille: atomic (Ramsay) interferometry, atomic clocks and gravitometry
Yves Caudano, U. Namur, Alexandre Matzkin CNRS Cergy: fundamental and experimental aspects of q. weak measurements
Christophe Couteau, UTT Troyes: q. cryptography
Loic Henriet, start up Pasqal, Palaiseau (Paris): quantum simulators.